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Ultra Close-Up HD Video on Sunbird - part Two

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Ultra Close-Up HD Video on Sunbird - part Two Empty Ultra Close-Up HD Video on Sunbird - part Two

Post by donaldghtan Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:04 am

Hi folks,
This is the Part Two and it is on the other type of Sunbird, the Brown-throated Sunbird.
See if you can tell the difference.
C&C most welcome. TQ, TQ

Donald G.H.Tan

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Last edited by nelson khor on Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:50 pm; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : video could not be embedded)


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Ultra Close-Up HD Video on Sunbird - part Two Empty Re: Ultra Close-Up HD Video on Sunbird - part Two

Post by hawkeyes Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:19 pm

Nice video with music.
However try not stay or frame at one particular angle for too long. Viewers will not be interested to view at one angle for more then 5 to 6 seconds. Ideally is to have multiple shots (5 to 6 second each clips) of the subject and combined the clips with good transitions of each clip.

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Ultra Close-Up HD Video on Sunbird - part Two Empty Re: Ultra Close-Up HD Video on Sunbird - part Two

Post by donaldghtan Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:57 am

Thanks bro.
Normally it is very difficult to video a bird for more than 6 seconds. I have not seen any clips that is shot so close up that one can examine the bird in details.
Moreover, on 1080p.

Did you see the difference between the Olive-back and the brown-throated? I could not even see the difference with my binoculars unless I am that lucky to catch two different types of Sunbirds at the same sitting and at the same image size (distance).

However, I must admit that generally as a bird watcher, one would not have preferred an extended view. For a close up examination, showing it longer would be beneficial to certain birders such as myself and other beginners.

Maybe, I could re-edit the clip with both the sunbirds, explaining the difference and with timed-transition in between.

Thanks for your comment.


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Age : 72
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Ultra Close-Up HD Video on Sunbird - part Two Empty Re: Ultra Close-Up HD Video on Sunbird - part Two

Post by chankaisoon Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:07 pm

Very nice video and a lot of details with your GH2. I notice you include the text 1080p cine mode (or equivalent) in the video. When the compressed video on the net has this level of detail you can imagine how the original footage will look like. Does it mean your videos were recorded in cine mode?

I am curious to know because I too mostly use the GH2 to record bird videos. I have been shuttling between cine mode in 1080p or 1080i or vibrant mode in progressive or interlaced. Have not tried 720p yet for fast motion videos but will probably try this sometimes. Unfortunately none of the current HDSLR or even camcorder can record in 1080 60p. I am looking forward to this feature in the updated AVCHD codec to be implemented in the newer HDSLR.

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Ultra Close-Up HD Video on Sunbird - part Two Empty Re: Ultra Close-Up HD Video on Sunbird - part Two

Post by jytou Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:08 pm

donaldghtan wrote:Thanks bro.
Normally it is very difficult to video a bird for more than 6 seconds. I have not seen any clips that is shot so close up that one can examine the bird in details.
Moreover, on 1080p.

Did you see the difference between the Olive-back and the brown-throated? I could not even see the difference with my binoculars unless I am that lucky to catch two different types of Sunbirds at the same sitting and at the same image size (distance).

However, I must admit that generally as a bird watcher, one would not have preferred an extended view. For a close up examination, showing it longer would be beneficial to certain birders such as myself and other beginners.

Maybe, I could re-edit the clip with both the sunbirds, explaining the difference and with timed-transition in between.

Thanks for your comment.

Brown-throated and Olive-backed were actually pretty distinct, you probably did not know what features to look for, we dont have to compare side by side to figure out who's who.

OK, here goes some simple ideas:

male sunbirds are usually pretty distinct and can easily be identified with few problems, the male plumage is greatly different and it would be very helpful to view at the throat/breast area of any sunbird when you see them, helpful.

Male Olive-backed had distinct glossy black throat to breast, well seen even from a distance, a whole patch of darkness while male Brown-throated have a pale brownish throat that is of different color compared to the rest of the underparts. On the back, the Olive-backed is so named because the back is uniformly olive colored but male Brown-throated had a brownish plumage but as it moves along the sunlight, you will see fascinating sheen of reddish, bluish and greenish coming from the face and "shoulder" area, is lot more colorful than Olive-backed, but they are so-called Sunbird because you need sunlight to help you emphasize its beauty.

female sunbirds are quite similar but at least for these two species, quite some criteria are helpful for determining the species.

Female Olive-backed is exactly like the males but the black throat and breast is replaced by yellow that continues to extends to the rest of the underparts, which is a stronger yellow than the Brown-throated. The yellow belly in the Brown-throated is duller and not so fresh, often felt like greenish or brownish toned. There is a small brow patch on the female Olive-backed but if you managed to see the face of a Brown-throated, it had a yellowish eye ring, that is rather distinct for the species, but the species lacks the colors of the male and had dull brown upperparts (not olive).


Olive-backed is small and compact, giving you a short body appearance, which is further enhanced by its long down-curved bill.

Brown-throated is bigger and built-up, often longer appearance, and it had a rather short bill for sunbirds which is straighter.

If you are familiar enough with the two, you will find no problem realizing that they actually looked pretty different just based on the shape itself. Hope that helps. Very Happy


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